Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scratch Art

For this project we first we took a pencil and colored over the back of our drawing. We then placed the scratch art paper under the drawing. We then took a wooden stylis and traced over the lines in our drawing. Next we scratched off the design that we had just traced onto the scratch art paper. My picture is of the cream can that my husband and I used at our wedding to put the cards in. I found this project to be fun and nonstressful. This would be good for students that aren't confident in their drawings and also provides a fun way to create a new picture of something they had already drawn.

Lynda Lowe Collages

Top to Bottom Left to Right
Seed: The beginning stages of growth.
Rubbish: Trash, garbage
Rebel: To go against something or authority
Desolate: Bare, lonely, empty
For this assignment we each started out with four words that we were to define in our own words. We then used different types of wet media to describe the word. We then traded our work with the class. We then had to use dry mediums such as charcoal, oil pastels, and chalk to further describe the word. We then traded our pieces again. Next we added pictures to our pieces to finish describing them. At the end we all got our original pieces back and had a chance to change them one last time. This project is a good way for students to interact other students and also gives them a chance to work together to make a project. This could be integrated into a language arts lesson by having the students make collages of their vocabulary words.